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18 Apr 2023

Parents of donor-conceived persons

Experience of their children’s search for and/or linking with their donors in Aotearoa New Zealand

The study is conducted by Michelle Anne Duff, Masters student in Counselling Psychology, Auckland University of Technology.

This research will also form part of the research and dissertation requirements which are part of the AUT Master of Health Science qualifications.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact Michelle Anne Duff at email:

Approved by the Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee on 27 March 2023, AUTEC Reference number 23/65.


Are you the parent of a donor-conceived child?

If you are the parent of a donor-conceived person, conceived with the help of a fertility clinic in Aotearoa New Zealand, who is searching for orhas searched for or linked with their donor, then I would like to invite you to participate in Michelle's research: Parents of donor-conceived persons: Experience of their children’s search for and/or linking with their donors in Aotearoa New Zealand.

This involves taking part in an interview at a time (and place) convenient to you. The interview can be either face-to-face (if it’s in the Auckland area) or via Zoom or telephone. The interview is expected to take approximately an hour of your time.

The aim is to:

  • develop a better understanding of the experiences of parents in Aotearoa New Zealand who have used donor conception through a registered fertility clinic to conceive

  • explore parents’ experiences of their donor-conceived child’s search for and/or linking with their donor

  • understand the challenges faced by parents of donor-conceived persons both personally and as a family, what support was received, what is needed, and what has been helpful.

Findings of this research may help inform clinical guidelines and counselling practices in supporting donor recipient parents and their families in Aotearoa New Zealand.

About Michelle Anne Duff. 

Michelle is a mother of three adult children with a long-standing interest in pathways to parenthood.

Michelle is a Masters student in Counselling Psychology at Auckland University of Technology.

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